Sri Narisetti Innaiah’s new book Political History of Andhra Pradesh was released by Sri Ravipraksh on Sunday 18th October 2009 on TV 9 channel,creating history and a new trend. For the first time we have witnessed a release of a book along with interviews of eminent editors of news papers like M/s A.B.K.Prasad (Ex-editor Eenadu,,Varta,Udayam etc.), Deekshitulu (Ex-editor Andhra Prabha), I.Venkata Rao (Ex-editor Andhra Jyothi and CEO of Maha TV), K.Ramachandramurthy (Ex-editor Varta, Udayam,Andhra Jyothi and CEO of HMTV), Kommineni Srinivas (Journalist of Eenadu, Andhra Jyothi and CEO of NTV) etc. Raviprakash of TV 9 deserves all compliments; for bringing together, all rival news channels to present their views about this book of Innaiah on TV 9. This book is distributed by M/s Akshara, Hyderabad Phone: 040 – 23554096 and available at all leading bookshops. Price Rs. 150/-
If you can’t wait and go all the way to bookshop download the book at the following address free of cost.
This book is hailed as the most useful reference book for all journalists and people interested to know many fascinating facets of political spectrum of Andhra Pradesh; covering with 100 years of history. Many interesting supplementary tables like hereditary politicians and defectors are appended.
8 కామెంట్లు:
It looks like a hard-core Brahmin-basher''s interpretation of history. His deep hatred for the community is conspicuous in every page.
@LBS: Please mention if there are any factual errors.Opinions expressed by the author appear to be based on facts as given in the book.
Dear Rao gaaru,
I don't say Sri Innaiah gaaru has altered the hard facts. Statistics, factual correctness et al are one thing and their subjective interpretation, quite another. No amount of factual correctness or statistical precision can offset the historical injustices being done to specific communities and their collective historical role through subjective and one-sided interpretations.
My case is that the author is neither impartial nor detached and has failed to rise above petty caste bigotry while commenting on personalities belonging to different castes, quite contrary to the role expected of him as a senior historian. Going by his style, it appears that he critically lacks the basic sympathy for the very people among whom he was born and whose history he is writing.
And, one thing I don't understand. What did compel the author to mention the caste of different leaders and comment on them, based on their communal affiliation which they could not help ? Can a history of a nation not be written without resorting to this kind of caste-based interpretation ? OK, If people don't know how to do it, I do have a plan to show them how go about it in a few years in future. In fact, I have been planning it since the last 20 years.
I am not particularly finding fault with Sri Innaaiah gaaru. I am not the kind of persons who blindly oppose people because they can't agree on one or two issues. I have great respect for his scholarship, experience and the unflinching spirit with which he is carrying out intellectual activity at this ripe age. It requires certain amount of unselfishness at heart to do that way, I believe.
My grouse is that the tone and tenor of most history works written of late has been on the same lines these days. Why great intellectuals suddenly choose to become utter commoners while writing on social and historical issues, I need to be educated on this.
Thanks for receiving my criticism positively.
On page 31 and afterwards, there is mention of Ongole Zilla Board. Was there already an Ongole Zilla by that time (~1936).
nice blog.http://www.apcmysr.blogspot.com/
Gadde Swarup: Yes there is Ongole Zilla board at that time.
To Tadepalli garu:
I have no caste prejudice. But in AP Politics caste is playing dominent role.It started with brahmins, then followed by kammas,reddis, kapus, velamas. This is preindependence fight which was open at that time. It was clearly mentioned that anti brahmin politics was clear.
Later the combination and permutation of reddi brahmin against kamma played some role.
Kammas predominently came out with N T Ramarao, though in his election campaign he kept it outside.
During Vengalarao`s regime Velamas dominated in adminstration and police since there are not many in politics.
Sanjivaiah was there as chief minister for too short time and hence dalit politics did not consolidate during early 1960s.
The reddi kamma fight continued from post independence politics till now. Brahmins are playing in between.
During N T Ramarao`s regime brahmins openly took cudgels against him.People like Balamuralikrishna , Jamuna, Bhanumathi are only few examples.
The fight between Rajasekhara reddi and Chandra babu naidu was open , some caste and other times in different ways. Reddi raj was the slogan given by some with statistics.
In between madigas, malas are trying to consolidate but unfortunately they could not unite to gain any substantial benifits.
The major consolidation is taking place among backward classes. N T Ramarao gained their support with reservations in panchayats and local bodies.
The point is : caste is solidifying day by day. That is unfortunate development. We cannto avoid mentioning them in the political history.
Personally I stand for casteless politics.
Who suggested K. Brahmananda Reddy to hand over the land reforms to P.V.Narasimha rao? And who was that other cabinet(K.Brahmananda Reddy's) minister had bitter with P.V.Narasimha rao during 1964-1967?
Mr Innaiah advises as follows.
1, During Brahmanandareddi chief ministership in his ministry bitter opponents within the ministry were: Mr A C Subbareddy ( died in 1967) and Mr Jalagam Vengalarao.
2. Mr P V Narasimharao took the clue from AICC resolution on land reforms ( 1966 session) and introduced bill in 1971 after thumping victory to Congress at all India level and state level. The instructions were from prime minister Indira Gandhi tacitly but not explicitly.
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